As so many of you are already aware our CEO Barry Kennedy decided to take matters into his own hands when the Duchenne Dash was unfortunately cancelled for the second time due to Covid-19 and he has been tirelessly working to make his London to Paris Challenge as good if not better for the Team of riders he had assembled. #TeamConnor
Priory are proud and honoured to have sponsored this event and in turn have been able to ensure that every pound went to Chasing Connor’s Cure and so much of what took place couldn’t have happened without the Priory Team backing it!
Priory had 3 exceptional riders as part of #TeamConnor Barry Kennedy, Ben Cotton and Nick Lee and we are so proud of them for not only achieving 300km in 24hrs, London to Paris, but also their incredible fundraising efforts.
We are pleased to be able to announce after some final adding up and some additional donations over the weekend the total raised as at today.
#TeamConnor have a raised an absolutely astounding £193,667.17 for Chasing Connor’s Cure including gift aid. This amount of money will really be able to make a difference in the fight to #endduchenne and we are just so proud of the entire team! #congratulations #chasingconnorscure #teamconnor #priory #constructionindustry #everythingisimpossibleuntilitisone