It is #nationalapprenticeshipweek2022 and Priory were kindly invited to join the panel for a Q&A on Wednesday North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT) to discuss with other employers the benefits of taking on apprentices.
At Priory we couldn’t be prouder of the 12 strong team of Apprentices we currently have on, 8 of which are at North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT) studying for their Level 3 NVQ in Plumbing & Heating. We firmly believe that where there is a desire to learn from the apprentices and with quality teaching and supervision from Priory Senior Staff we are developing the Plumbers / Pipefitters and eventually Contracts Managers and Directors of the future.
One of our rising stars Paul Chamber pictured here with Managing Director Sam Kennedy and CEO Barry Kennedy at taking part in the Q&A at North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT) on Wednesday!
#development #buildthefuture #apprenticeships #plumbingandheating #nvqlevel3 #buildingservices #nationalapprenticeshipweek #nescotcollege #prioryteam